california central valley edc
Burlington Coat Factory announces new Visalia store, 70 new jobs
Posted 8/2/2013 by Eric WoomerBurlington Coat Factory announces new Visalia store, 70 new jobs
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Eric Woomer
The national chain, Burlington Coat Factory, formally announced its newest store, which will open in Visalia this fall.
The store, the 58th in California, will be located in the Walmart and Bevmo shopping center. It’s expected to create 70 new jobs and will have a 50,000-square-foot pad in the shopping center.
The new store, which is believed to take the spot of the former Home Base hardware store, will offer menswear, ladies’ dresses, suits, sportswear and clothing, juniors, accessories, children’s clothing and footwear for the entire family.
The new store is also expected to house a Baby Depot, which will offer baby clothing, cribs, bedding, accessories and décor.
The store, known for its discounted clothing and home goods, will also offer a large selection of coats.