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Ground broken on new industrial facility in Tracy
Posted 7/6/2016 by Central Valley Business JournalGround broken on new industrial facility in Tracy
July 6, 2016
TRACY — Less than a year from now Tracy will have another building to further cement its reputation as a logistics center. Commercial developer DCT Industrial held a groundbreaking ceremony Wednesday morning to celebrate the 800,000 square foot facility it is building along I-205.
“We should get underway any day and hopefully be complete in about 10 months,” said DCT Senior Vice President David Haugen.
The project suffered some setbacks as Tracy’s City Council debated how to manage growth along the I-205 corridor. DCT’s original proposal was rejected when council members decided they didn’t want people driving into the city to be greeted by a landscape that looked too industrial.
DCT went back to the drawing board and modified plans so the facility would look more like an office building than a warehouse.
“We did change the elevation of the building so the corners now have much more glass,” Haugen said. “They do look like like office buildings on the corners. We added some glass along the freeway between those two corners.”
The facility will be built on Arbor Avenue near MacArthur Drive with 1,300 feet of freeway frontage. The building’s overall height was lowered from 44 to 40 feet to meet city code. Trees and other landscaping will be added to further soften the building’s appearance.
The facility is one of nine industrial buildings currently under construction by various developers in San Joaquin County. When all are finished, they will add more than 3.5 million square feet of industrial space. Another six buildings for a total of 3. 4 million square feet are in the planning stages.
“The market fundamentals for San Joaquin County are really healthy, probably the healthiest they’ve been in most people’s memory,” Haugen said. “We have more users than we have buildings.”
DCT does not have a tenant in line for the building, but some businesses have shown interest.