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Gallo Glass seeks rezoning of 16 residential parcels in south Modesto
Posted 8/17/2015 by Modesto BeeGallo Glass seeks rezoning of 16 residential parcels in south Modesto
Company to expand storage for glass bottles and parking
Plan expected to reduce truck traffic and diesel emissions
Stanislaus County supervisors will consider the rezone
Gallo Glass Co. is asking the county to rezone 16 residential parcels in south Modesto in order to expand its glass-bottle storage and parking. The company owns the 16 parcels on the south side of Tenaya Drive, between Santa Rita and Santa Cruz avenues. Twelve of the lots are vacant, and four have occupied homes.
Stanislaus County supervisors are scheduled to consider rezoning the 21/2 acres this evening. The proposal continues an expansion of the Gallo Glass storage facilities. Gallo Glass manufactures bottles for the adjacent E.&J. Gallo Winery and other clients. “Currently, much of the glass is temporarily stored in off-site warehousing and then returned to the winery when it is needed,” a county report says.
By expanding its storage, the company proposes to reduce truck traffic by 8,100 trips a year. Because of the reduction in diesel truck emissions, the county won’t require an assessment of health impacts to satisfy the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. The air district had suggested the health assessment because of the increase in property zoned for industry. No one opposed the Gallo Glass plan at a county Planning Commission hearing July 16. The commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval.
Gallo Glass plans to tear down the four occupied homes. The residents were given two to three months to move as part of the purchase agreements for the homes. A representative for the Gallo Glass project did not a return a call from The Bee.
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